Qosmo continuously upgrades its learning technology to suit and facilitate the teaching requirement in the classroom. Each classroom is equipped with projectors and teachers are adept in using online technology to teach. We always encourage parents to be more involved in their child’s progress and provide parents with access to students’ performance at all times. We consistently look at new ways to implement technology in the classroom and at home to make learning more efficient and convenient for all, without overdoing it.

Technology in the classroom
Use of Technology in the Classroom
Technology needs to be integrated with learning in today’s fast-paced environment in order to allow our students to become viable leaders and employees for jobs that fit future industrial and professional demands.

Google Classrooms and Related Apps
We use Google Classrooms to enable the handling and recording of assignments in a structured and orderly manner. The platform even allows group work to be done online and hundreds of external applications to work simultaneously. Via the online platform, you can monitor your child's performance and interact with teachers when deemed necessary. You can view test dates, locate homework assignments, and have access to teacher's notes and your child's performance online, anytime!

Simulation Learning
Certain lessons that involve simulations will be carried out online and on certain occasions, students will be performing assignments online to save their work progress. This is necessary at times to capture details that would often be impossible to do via pen and paper. Through this methodology, our students will develop tech-savvy skills and become responsible towards the technologies they use. We feel that much of the learning in many other educational institutions are not up-to-par with current technology , hence, we need to bridge that gap in order to nurture students who are well-equipped to use the latest technologies.

During Our Classes
Various kinds of technology will be used at different year levels, depending on their relevance to the student and their reading level. We intend to expose students to technology gradually and increase the use as the child progresses in age in our system. Depending on the year, the student can watch a video or make a video, watch the slide or create a presentation, read a website or create one. This natural progression will give student a better understanding of the technology that they are utilising.

Guided Tech Projects
Students will have several projects throughout the year, at varying levels depending on their age group and relevance. This will allow students to use technology for their own personal learning and in completing projects as well. These projects will be part of their report card evaluations each term and are designed to prepare the students in learning to use technology to accomplish their primary goals in their workload. It can be dynamic and engaging for both student and teacher.