Charity Games Carnival Day

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.
At Qosmo International School, we love to have fun with our students every now and then. Last week, we celebrated Charity Games Day at Qosmo where the entire school entertained themselves with various activities while raising funds for charity. The preparations started a week before, with students and teachers joining hands in decorating the school and planning the games.
Students and teachers were divided into four teams, each headed by a housemaster. Each team was tasked with organising a different set of events. We saw our students’ creative side when they ideated unique games such as eat me, eat the cookies, shell game, water balloon battle, face painting, guessing game, bobbing for apples and much more!
Parents and patrons attended Charity Games Carnival Day and had a lot of fun participating in these games. The funds raised from selling tickets to the games were donated to Hriphi Refugee School. We were privileged to have parents voluntarily donating their items to be given to charity. The day ended on a positive note when our students understood the needs of the less fortunate and learned to give back to society. A total of 1,500RM was raised from all the charity games and donated to Hriphi Refugee School from all the kids’ hard work, with House Aquila (Yellow House) taking the lead for raising the most funds.